Thursday, April 12, 2012

Building Something Big

My plan hadn't been to work through the night, but after my meeting I felt compelled to complete something big, something necessary to my future, though I had no idea why. The massive hole I had made slowly filled in with passages and walls. The refinement was precise and the whole thing would hold up against nearly anything that was thrown at it, including further refinement. Something about the end product made it nearly impossible to modify once it was done. There were secret chambers that were complex to open and the markings that were carved in to the structure as clues were unfamiliar to me, yet the images of the symbols filled my mind and I knew where they had to go. When the first part was done I was given time to rest, the project wasn't done but my mind was pained by the process, it was like the feeling I had when all the knowledge of my previous life was there as well, it confirmed that it must not all be gone, merely suppressed for the time being, though I was not sure why. In my down time I set up a few of the rooms, I had a general idea of what they were meant for and so the research lab was established and when that was done all my possessions moved from the house to this new base, the house being taken down and the materials stored for use in something else. While I was decommissioning the place a few of the villagers came to see me and inquire about my decision, apparently it was out that there was a deal in the works. I said I thought it would be a good idea and that I was establishing a location for us to work in, one that would be secure. They were overjoyed at my response and quickly rushed back to tell the others. Before they could return I had finished my task and returned to the new city that I was developing. I was sure the village would be moved, or at least part of it, to reside on top of all I had made and the real work would be below the earth in the labyrinth that was forming. When I made it back my mind had rested enough and soon I found myself back in a trance while the lower levels continued to form before my eyes.

The work was difficult, I think in all it took me three days to complete, though I couldn't be sure as most of my work was in the near darkness, at least until the lights had been created, but it still didn't help as I needed to see the sun to know for sure. I was given short breaks, just long enough to eat, nap, or do a few other things while my head stopped throbbing. Every time the pain subsided though the process began again, I couldn't seem to stop myself until it was complete. When it was finally done I went back to the surface, closing the secret passages and rooms and enabling all the security measures that had been developed to keep them safe. Above me the villagers were hard at work building their new city, as I had guessed they wanted to live where the greatest advancements would happen. Engineers had already inspected the lab and added their equipment as well and they were busy exploring as far as they could, though without knowing the language of the symbols they would have a hard time going deeper. I would have had the same problem, if it weren't for the fact that I had just built the entire thing. I took a little bit of time to answer their questions and eat some food, but quickly found myself exhausted and had to return to the depths to the place I knew was meant for me. The suit of armor was put in its room and I retired to my comfortable suite deep within the depths of the earth.

My head was filled with ideas, but the sleep was still restful. When I awoke I wasted little time getting back to the surface, this time without my machine. The city was nearly finished and the people were glad to see me awake, they had been worried when I disappeared two days ago after the brief conversations I had with them. They were anxious to learn more about the new facility and to get started on the research. Once I had enjoyed a warm breakfast I went back in to the depths to give them the technology they sought. It took only moments to construct, the materials being so raw compared to the others I had worked with. With it in hand they got to work testing it with their equipment, which I noticed was improving greatly in its capability and refinement. I left them to their initial research and went back to my private area where I proceeded to implement all the ideas I had been having, starting first with the suit.

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